
  • The Rock

    Standing On The Rock

    Like many families during the summer months, we visited the beach for a family vacation last year. This was a time of relaxation, bonding and just having some fun. As expected, we spent most of our time in the water and building sandcastles in the sand and the rest of our time checking out local spots and catching up. What I did not expect was the incredible lesson that I learned while sticking my feet in the ocean.  There I stood with beautiful, cool sand between my toes. My boys were splashing in the water and running from the small waves coming into the shore. Their laughs and happy screams…

  • Devotionals

    The Juggling Act

    Dealing with Stress and Anxiety Biblically Do you ever feel like you’re juggling parts of your life or yourself and you’re not always catching the balls before they hit the floor? If you answered yes (or oh ya!), you’re not alone. Most people struggle with balancing all of the aspects of their lives at some point. Although most people immediately think of adults and something called “work-life balance”, they’re not the only ones staring in the juggling act. According to Psychologically Today, 25% of teens (13 to 18) experience mild to moderate feelings of anxiety and approximately 5.9% will experience severe anxiety in their life. The crazy thing is, the…

  • Devotionals

    I Just Don’t Have Enough Faith

    My husband used to say “I just don’t have enough faith” when something hard would arise. Moreover, he’d say that I had more faith than him. He said that he just didn’t have enough faith when he didn’t see how something could work out. I used to get upset at this. I just didn’t understand why it was so hard for him to have faith and so easy for me. I guess it was because I kind of always thought that faith was something you could just work on. You had to “build” it like a muscle. It was something that came from within you and you just had to…

  • Devotionals

    You Are Not an Afterthought

    Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Ephesians 1:4 NLT Do you remember dodge ball? If not, let me remind you. It’s the game where you and your team pummel the other team with a rubber ball to get them “out”. The last team standing wins. This game is barbaric to say the least. But the actual game has nothing on the process of choosing the team itself. If you don’t know what I mean, you must have been chosen first or second in the dodge ball draft. I, on the other hand, was…

  • Devotionals

    Take Up Your Mat

    Take Up Your Mat The man in John 5:1-9 sat on his mat for 38 years. He did the same every day. He sat waiting, watching and hoped, but nothing happened. This was just his way of life. He was stagnant and unable to see what was already in him. He was convinced that real life is only over there in that pool. That life had to come from somewhere else, anywhere else. The pool of Beth-zatha was known for healing powers. An angel would come down from Heaven and stir the waters. It was said that whomever was first to the waters would be healed. So the man waited.…

  • Devotionals

    You Don’t Have To Be Perfect

    Looking Behind the “Perfect Mask” I recently crossed paths with one of my best friends from my childhood. He said something that blew my mind. He said that I was little miss perfect growing up and that I had this perfect childhood. It is crazy to me that people use to think I was perfect or had anything “perfect” in my life. I guess I got really good at putting on a facade. I would even go as far to say I must have been a master at putting on my “perfect face”. My childhood was far from perfect. Now, let me be clear. I am not saying I had…